SoulVibes, the vibrations of the Soul

Playful self-awareness


Nowadays, we hear a lot about how our thoughts create our reality and how the reality we live in reflects on our thoughts. And this circle is always maintained by our emotions.

It could be said that it is not what happens to us that matters, but how we feel about it, what reactions we experience, unconsciously of course in most cases.

If we can raise our reactions to the level of consciousness, we will at that moment become aware of the why. The only exception is when our mind cannot get to the stage of logical understanding, of thinking. In this case, the mind is in a deeply felt emotional state that it experiences as true and real, without even considering the possibility that it is "just" the result of a point of view, a thought pattern.

Therein lies the problem! What is believed to be true is not questioned, it is seen as reality. The reality of others is then, of course, seen as the opposite/enemy reality, and this is a hotbed of conflict.

This is exactly where the SOULVIBES playful method can help! To recognize what resonates within us in a given emotional state. What we are "playing" within ourselves and what is wrapped around us like an energy cloak.

We are only able to attract what we have a "magnet" for. In fact, our whole body sends a vibratory pattern out into the world, and we are only able to hear the corresponding responses from the world. Like a key in a lock.

Why play?

To find the "whys" and start transforming them. All while playing. With help.

What happens while you play?

During the SoulVibes self-awareness board game, the Soul's vibrations are translated through the elements of the game. It shows you how you can achieve spiritual balance in the physical world, all through play, by refining your perception. SoulVibes can help you with recognition and transformation, in a playful way. An opportunity to not 'work' on self-awareness/self-esteem, but to play with the reality of the moment and then build a new opportunity into our consciousness.

How? We play with the reality of our body's senses, question it, then build a higher vibration into the cells, into the DNA itself.


The game is led by a game leader: Várdai Gabriella - Counsel of the soul.

The process of the game

The spiral (course) of the game leads through 5 levels, according to the colours on the board:


1. BODY - physical living, chemistry, sun - yellow

2. HEART - emotions, experiencing self-love - alchemy, Moon - pink

3. SOUL - journey to life on Earth, ether - spirituality - gold

4. MIND - translating inspiration - fire, water - intuition - indigo

5. UNIVERSE - experiencing wholeness, manifestation - stardust - red


Duration of the game: 60-120 minutes


Maga a játék születése egyedi kártyapaklikkal kezdődött. Az első a Lélekgyöngy pakli volt, amely a DeZen, Lélek firka technika megalkotásával és tanításával jött létre. A kártyán levő rajzok a Lélek rezdüléseinek papírra tevése, a képi formák csodája. Színes rajzok, melyek szépségét a kézzel való rajzolás tökéletlensége adja meg. A következő csomag az Illatos Angyalok lettek, amely 21 kártyát a selyemfestés ihlette. A selyem a Lélek tökéletes vászna, hiszen élő csoda, amelynél csak a végén, száradás után látod, mi is lett igazán. A kártyapaklihoz tartozik a 21 Illatos Angyal parfümszett is, amely a SoulVibes alapját képezi, a DNS szintű áthangolásnak köszönhetően. A Vélt Valóság, a Beragadások és az Igazgyöngy kártyacsomagok a tudatosítás csomagjai. A Lélekjel kártyacsomaggal lett teljes a játék, amely a 2019-es perui utazásnak köszönheti születését. Ezek a szimbólumok a játék során elért megértés, tudatosítás, átalakulás pecsétei.

Those who have already played

  • Lokodi Katalin
    In no time at all, the fears that are causing the problem are revealed, you move at your own pace, you dissolve. Smells, movements, symbols gently move you out of old patterns. A simple, easy to understand, solution-generating game that reveals vast amounts of information in a matter of moments.
    Lokodi Katalin
  • József
    It was exciting to play with SoulVibes. While we were going through what seemed to be "unexpected" twists and turns and having a great time, we suddenly realized that we had discovered an important part of our spiritual world and the veil had been lifted on something that had been as mysterious to us as the statue before its unveiling.
  • Kati
    For me, it was very exciting... The game gave me insights that I had, but I couldn't really put into words where to put them. I didn't understand the why... All the time I felt like I was sitting in front of a truthful mirror and I just had to listen to what the game master was asking and the cards were showing! With each step on each field I felt my problems that had been holding me back were being solved, by the realization itself and the help I was receiving from the Angels!

Download the app!

The mobile app for SoulVibes, with 3 playing modes, 210 cards in 6 decks.

The FULL ACCESS version gives you full access to all decks, 210 cards in total, as well as access to all the latest updates and additions to the app!

In the free version, 7 cards from each deck are available.